Amazing Healing Resources!

I’m reblogging this post from my Reiki teacher, admired friend, and trusted adviser, Laura Bruno. I’m currently working my way through her Second Chakra Healing Journal, which is bringing to light patterns which have been lurking in the shadows for decades. I have ordered my free gift from Elicia Miller (link below), but not yet had a moment to look at it. If Laura says Elicia is an ally in the healing realm, that’s good enough for me! Perhaps there are gems for your own journey here.

My friend and colleague Elicia Miller just sent a wonderful review of my newly released Second Chakra Healing Journal. Elicia and I have shared clients for almost a decade. My Medical Intuitive awareness dovetails well with her ability to support people through healing core wounds. She offers the deepest, most effective Inner Child and emotional […]

Elicia Miller reviews my newly released Second Chakra Healing Journal — Laura Bruno’s Blog

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